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The person you love the most will succumb to terminal illness soon!

Life and death are the two sides of the road every one of us has to travel but how and when is all that matters! It is not easy for me and maybe others to talk and discuss. But when we have seen losing our loved one due to some terminal illness, if sharing our experiences can bring some comfort even to one person who is suffering through same pain, we will be successful in our objective.

When everything around had an exciting color and you were playing with them at your best to make a colorful life, suddenly an evil eye had to prevail with darkness. Trust me nothing can be more painful when the person you love the most lies in an Operation Theater and a doctor comes to you saying "it's cancer" and the first thought that clicked was "everything gone"! If I go on discussing the cancer statistics here, it will be shocking but still not that important to you or if I say every 1 out of 3 females develops cancer, you may still imagine yourself in the remaining two! If not done until now, just google the statistics once. I do not want you to be scared but it is important to know because we don't know when we or someone close becomes the 3rd one! Now, think about those who have seen one of their close ones suffering from this terminal illness. They know it's scary; so scary that they would not want any person on this earth to suffer this! The question may sound like an old one but forcing me again to ask why could not medical science find a permanent cure for cancer or maybe many such terminal diseases? How deeply it matters to me or maybe many other families who have already seen this deadly cancer so close! 

Can we do something to stop this? Not being a medical expert, I will not be the right person to tell what, when, and how this disease occurs and what we can do to avoid it. Doctors can only guide well. A lot of information is easily available on the net but who bothers to read until one suffers. But let me tell you the fear of losing your loved one makes you not less than an expert. It's a first-hand experience that teaches you many things. You do not want to miss any important information or any ray of hope and you almost do the best of research on the internet. Thanks to this internet era where most needed information is available just a click away. I would like to request everyone not to ignore even minor symptoms which may seem odd; the slightest of pain or even a simple fever. Women especially are an expert to avoid all this very easily; they take care of everyone in the family but not their own body. Consult expert doctors for any doubt in mind. It may not stop these incurable diseases but if diagnosed at a right time, it may help doctors to add more years to the life of your loved ones and you will not lose them soon!

Does that person need more chemicals or more chemistry in life at the end? Doctors are known to be the second face of God and what they suggest becomes the savior boat to cross such a deep sea. We can't even feel a bit of the pain the patient had to bear but we still stand by the doctor's side to keep the flow of chemicals intact in the body, those heavy doses of medicines, the injections which may have pricked every corner of the body just with a hope that it may kill those scary cells hiding inside. But what I believe is giving those chemo-therapies makes you count backward the days left in the life of your patient. Some big names suffering from cancer go for the best treatments outside but ultimately the end does not remain very far from them as well. The difference is that some accept it with the courage to fight. Even the bald scalp which results as a side-effect from these therapies is sometimes shown as a style statement by them to boost up their confidence and other cancer patients but everyone is not that strong. It hurts to see such a face. The chemicals can surely hold those monsters inside for days, for months, or maybe years in some cases but not forever! They will make the body hollow from within slowly and gradually. But what is most important in such an endless pain, to not forget to keep that person happy through any means. Do what they like and avoid what they don't. Make them feel at comfort and reassure them that they will soon be alright. Pamper them, hold them close and give them a gentle touch to make them feel you are always there when they need you. They just need love, care, respect, and someone to listen to everything and anything they say even if they sound aggressive or rigid; it's just the outflow of depression within, the outflow of pain they are going through, or feeling withdrawn from life! Love them the most and help them calm down during their most difficult times. The doctors keep trying till the last breath to add years to their life but this way you will surely add life to the days left!

One day that person succumbs to this terminal illness. Now I am finding short of words. Hope you and all those families who have gone through this would understand better. The day when doctors hint you that the disease has gone terminal, you feel as if you could see God only once and ask "why me?". Some things happen so fast that you are unable to accept them but you are forced to. You want to run away from reality but you will be brought more closer. The good memories may fade and you are haunted by the worst you have seen. Everyone tries to explain that this is a part of life but is it so easy to accept? Maybe we start sounding selfish because we needed that person so much and want them to be alive at any cost. But what about the pain they were suffering from. What is right? The relief from pain forever or to live with that pain among your loved ones! I could not find an answer till now.

Time plays strong and will take you out from however deep you have got stuck in life. Recall the good memories,  do good to others, love people around you, believe in caring and sharing, spend quality time with your loved ones and live a happy life! Life at times teaches you lessons that may change you from within and leave a mark forever! 


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