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Showing posts from 2020

Year 2020...deplorable yet second bite of the cherry!

  The 21st year of 21st century 2021 will come tomorrow! It is not coming alone but bringing along the new horizons in everyone's eyes! This new year is special because it's apparent that the topmost thing in everyone's new year wish list is only the COVID-19 vaccine. This COVID vaccine or its cure is something where the desire of a rich man meets with the poor. Yes, LIFE and DEATH is one thing which is the same to all and beautifully hides all the differences of mankind. The year 2020 now fading slowly and becoming invisible in the darkness of this night but it is stealing away the smiles of children, the dreams in the eyes, the sacrifices of many, the dear ones in families, the hopes of many people, the desires of teenagers, the love of elders and much more. This year brought us the deadly virus and loss of many life, loss in business, joblessness, confinement, and mental stress. But they say, not only this, it has given us a year to learn how to struggle, how important i...