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  A daughter is like a beautiful melody that brings harmony to a family. From the moment she is born, there is something special about the bond. It is a relationship woven with care, trust, and understanding. She is a reflection of her parents’ hopes, dreams, and fears, yet she forges her own path with strength and grace. As she grows, the challenges of the world begin to touch her, yet her resilience shines through. She learns, she stumbles, she rises again—each time with more courage, more wisdom. Watching a daughter navigate life’s complexities is a LESSON in itself! She teaches patience, compassion, and the beauty of seeing life through a heart that feels deeply.  For parents, there is nothing more bittersweet than watching their daughter spread her wings. She may fly far, chasing her own dreams, but her roots remain strong in the love she was raised with. Whether she is near or far, she carries pieces of her parents with her—the values, lessons, and love that shaped her into the r
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Women-strong,fierce and free!

S he was already happy and complete, just the way she was. She knew how to fight her own battles, make her own choices and love herself the way she wanted.And anyone who wanted to win her heart? They didn’t need to bring a sword, armor or glorious words..they just needed to be real and accepting. In her story, she was the HERO…and that’s exactly how she planned to keep it.She stopped hoping for a knight in shining armor and started looking for her sword. She didn’t need to be saved, rescued or fixed.She wanted to quit and give up many times...but that wasn’t who she was or ever would be. Her strength and courage was forged in those same fires that ever affected her.She would keep living life fully, loving her people passionately and rising high like she was meant to do ...and in the journey she became strong, fierce and the end, that’s what mattered most! International Women's Day  8 March 2024

Unconditional love!

​ Every evening as the sun sets, the encroaching darkness scares me as if reminding that you're no longer here... I close my eyes then, and in that darkness, I can only see your smile, dispelling my fear! A single ache in my body invokes memories of your tender touch... When the world can't heal deepest pain, just a thought of you can do so much! Though others surround me, your absence remains profound... The emptiness is so much, as you know mumma, you were my world! Life continues to progress, but I yearn for all moments again if I could move back once.. Every day, my prayer is not to God but to you, to relive the warmth of your unconditional love! Miss u mumma😔 30 Oct 2023

Mum, I couldn't let you go!

Every morning just before I wake up, I can hear you, Every night after I sleep, I can feel you. They say you will not be seen anymore, But trust me, I see you every moment in my core. So, mum I still couldn't let you go! Every small thing around takes me more towards you, Your hugs, your kisses, your shoulder is what I miss most of you. Those words and talks push me more to hold on to you, They say I need to now live without you. But, mum I couldn't let you go! Those unlimited talks I want more and more, No one else can be as close as you were. You were the one who understood me always, Your ideas on how to live life pushed me in many ways. So, mum I couldn't let you go! I keep scrolling through your photos all the time, But none of them come alive like your smile. I needed you in my every sorrow and happiness, Because life is tough and no one else can bring that easiness. So, mum I couldn't let you go!   You were the most beautiful and strongest woman I've ever see

The rituals ultimately burn in fire!

The people live more in the world of spirituality than reality maybe because it's their way of bringing minds at peace. Being spiritual is good but being a religious fanatic who believes, follows, and dominates others to follow rituals is what I believe is something not right! Sexist traditions and rituals We all keep talking about feminism but we are far behind when it comes to our traditions and rituals. Don't we need to evolve them with time instead they become rotten on their way and lose all their importance?  Weddings are just a perfect demonstration of sexism. The women leave home and not men. Her parents have to give dowry however educated or successful she is; if not in the name of dowry then in the name of gifts but everywhere it's the same. The after marriage traditions of wearing mangal sutra, bangles, bindi, sindoor, etc or signs of being married are only for women. The men don't need a signboard of being married? The live-long fastings like karwa Chauth, T

The story of a girl whose fear to be born echoes in every home!

  I mostly live in imaginations and dreams  I am beautiful, I am strong,  I am lovable, I am emotional.  I have my dreams, I aspire, I learn to adjust, I compromise. I suffer sometimes, I cry, I learn to live, I fly. I am not easy to have, I am blessed, I fill colors in your life. Who am I? I am a girl, I am a daughter! Many couples in this country wish to have daughters for sure once they get married. Many want me as their first child and many as a sister to their already born son. The husbands who love and appraise their wives dream to have a replica of her as their daughters. But having me is something in the hand of human beings? No, so I am mostly left in dreams because thereafter the real-life situation dominates!   Reality vs Dreams Ahh. I wanted to be a mother, yes mother to a girl! But everybody questioned why a girl? The first should be a boy because he will always belong to you and you can be assured that your legacy will continue with him and everyone will be happy around y

Does gender-differentiation really calls for gender neutral parenting?

I was a kid though but always wondered why everyone's conversation and actions keep revolving around the son in the family. Once somebody gave me a bowl of four laddoos from my neighbor sharing the happiness that a son was born in their family. The other day we received another bowl but only two laddoos this time. After returning from school, I asked my mum why only two today if the reason is the same? She told me because today a girl is born in some house nearby. I was shocked as I haven't witnessed such behavior in my home even being brought up with an elder brother. This mindset of people pinched me somewhere inside and envying this I told my mum when my daughter will be born, please distribute 6 laddoos in each house. This may be a mere expression of gender differentiation whose roots are sown in our own homes only! 'Don't cry like a girl', 'Boys don't play with dolls and soft toys', 'Don't be loud else society will say the girl doesn't